Lyn's information
Lyn Smith is the Wight Cardiac Rehab Coordinator and Instructor, she is a fully qualified BACPR (British Association for Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation) instructor and the holder of a British Citizens Award for Healthcare.
She was one of three instructors who joined Jenny Cox, sister of the CCU (Coronary Care Unit), to set up what was then the IW Heart Care Club, 33 years ago and the only one of these three still fulfilling the role. She also works within the NHS Cardiac Rehab, so sees class members when they first begin to exercise after their cardiac episodes.
Lyn brings a wealth of experience to her role, encouraging members to find a level they can exercise at that is right for them. Members find her very approachable and her willingness to listen and advise where appropriate is invaluable. She creates a non-competitive atmosphere where members feel safe to exercise and invariably spend some of the time laughing.
Lyn says ‘I enjoy seeing how people change and gain confidence as they become fitter, and I thoroughly enjoy the class banter’.
Lyn can be contacted on 07979 806636