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The Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Cardiac Rehabilitation


The Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Cardiac Rehabilitation is a professional network of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists.  Formed in 1995, the ACPICR welcomes professionals who are working in or interested in the exercise/physical activity components of cardiac rehabilitation.


The ACPICR provides, in association with the British Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (BACPR) high standard education via well established and well evaluated post graduate courses. We publish Standards, Competency and Peer Review documents to promote and facilitate clinical excellence within our field of expertise.


The ACPICR facilitates the exchange of information, ideas and research findings to members via networks between cardiac rehabilitation services and also via links with other cardiac organizations (such as British Cardiac Society, BACPR, British Heart Foundation, British Society for Heart Failure).

We publish a newsletter twice yearly to inform our members of ACPICR activity including work in progress, courses and reviews of recent events


  • Early activity after cardiac surgery This document reports on a national survey of cardiothoracic physiotherapists  and includes a literature review of the current evidence in this field.  


The following leaflets have been designed for distribution to patients who have questions regarding specific activities:

click on the icon to send us an email

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